Artemis Place

Main Contact: TBD
Email: TBD
Project Description: Artemis Place provides holistic social and emotional support and high school education to young women and trans-youth in a nurturing community. They also provide an enriched early childhood experience to infants and toddlers of young parents while modeling care-giving skills and supporting each student in their parenting.

Big Brother Big Sisters

Main Contact: Ken Lima-Coelho
Project Description: Silver Gummy has recently provided a grant to BBBS that will help us design and implement an evaluation framework that will contribute to the development of a longitudinal study that will measure the long-term impacts of our mentoring programs. The grant will also provide funding to cover part of our Evaluation Specialist's salary for two years.

carya Society of Calgary

Main Contact: Samara Kambeitz
Project Description: Silver Gummy has been a valuable supporter of carya, generously donating to our youth programs and advocating for our in-school initiatives. Their involvement provides opportunities for connection, learning, growth, and collaboration with others working to end gender-based violence and challenge toxic views of gender. The most impactful support from Silver Gummy has been their advocacy, particularly for our Youth Engagement programs, Starburst and Trek. These programs currently face challenges in operating during school hours and within school premises. The support and belief from Silver Gummy in the significance of these programs are immensely valuable to us.

Centre for Sexuality

Main Contact: Roseline Carter
Project Description: The Silver Gummy Foundation has played a vital role in supporting our impactful Girl's Program. They have been instrumental in its development, evaluation, refinement, and expansion, enabling over 300 participants this school year. Additionally, the foundation has demonstrated leadership in addressing domestic violence by supporting WiseGuyz, a program aimed at preventing intimate partner violence. With the goal of reducing such violence, the program has shown promising results. The Silver Gummy Foundation is dedicated to reaching vulnerable young men, including those involved in or at risk of being involved in the criminal justice system.

Chair in Transgender Studies, University of Victoria

Main Contact's: Aaron Devor & Annalee Lepp
Email: &
Photo credit: Blake Little
Project Description: Silver Gummy has generously funded a research project that I co-lead with Dr Annalee Lepp, Dean of Humanities at the University of Victoria. Our project seeks to understand the realities of Trans+ people's experiences in precarious labour to seek ways to improve their circumstances.

Creating Hope Society of Alberta

Main Contact: Bernadette Iahtail
Project Description: Continued support to provide cultural teachings to our youth.

CUPS Calgary Society

Main Contact: Grant Kennedy
Project Description: Silver Gummy Foundation's funding has enabled CUPS to implement a Two-Generational Approach to Fostering Healthy Relationships. CUPS shares Silver Gummy's belief in the transformative power of education to enhance life outcomes and prevent the development of unhealthy attitudes and behaviors. Through this approach, CUPS supports children in developing social and emotional skills, fostering respect and empathy for others. Over the past two years, Silver Gummy's support has enabled CUPS to provide training and guidance to educators and specialists, empowering them to build skills and capacity for healthier relationships among children and their parents.

Fast and Female Supporting Women in Sport Foundation

Main Contact: Madison Danford
Project Description: Silver Gummy's funding has facilitated a collaborative program between Fast and Female and Canadian Women & Sport. This marked the first time our organizations co-developed and co-delivered a program, which was truly wonderful. Despite working in the same sector but targeting different audiences (policy makers/sport leaders/coaches vs. girls themselves), this program allowed us to reach both groups simultaneously. It sparked creativity and innovative thinking. Moreover, Silver Gummy's support enabled us to partner with Brock University for research purposes and expand our network by working with new organizations in Alberta and Ontario over the past two years.


Main Contact: Deinera Exner
Project Description: The HOPELab is dedicated to research evaluating healthy relationships and mental health promotion resources for children and youth in school and community settings. Our research aims to enhance child and youth well-being through prevention and implementation science. PREVNet is a national research and knowledge mobilization hub that brings together researchers and national organizations to build research capacity, assess youth relationship problems including bullying and dating violence, and promote evidence-based programs and effective policies across Canada to address and reduce youth interpersonal violence and promote healthy relationships. Silver Gummy has provided funding to further our national teen dating violence policy work, and to engage caregivers in this project. Silver Gummy is also connecting us to like-minded folks across Calgary.

Miskanawah Community Services Association

Main Contact: Tara Fillo-Hunt
Project Description: The Silver Gummy Foundation funds Miskanawah's youth-led project, which supports Indigenous youth disconnected from their traditional teachings. The project incorporates cultural teachings on gender roles and identities, facilitated by ceremonies, Elders, and Knowledge Keepers. It also includes experiential learning through arts and recreation. This initiative takes place at Miskanawah's Diamond Willow Youth Lodge, a safe space in Calgary for Indigenous youth to connect with their culture and community. The youth involved participate biweekly, engaging in monthly ceremonies and teachings by Elders and structured recreational activities that promote self-confidence, social connection, and positive exploration of gender identities.

North Rocky View Community Links Society

Main Contact: Brenda Hume
Project Description: Silver Gummy has provided us with an opportunity to provide preventative and educational programming for children and youth related to Healthy Relationships and Bullying Prevention, both in schools and in the community.

Punjabi Community Health Services (PCHS)

Main Contact: Sherri Shergill
Project Description: PCHS Calgary has developed an approach to family violence that works with the entire family including victims, perpetrators, and the extended families that may be part of the household or family dynamic. This differs from many mainstream approaches but acknowledges the way family dynamics and expectations can impact family violence in the South Asian community. Silver Gummy has taken the time to understand this perspective and supported PCHS's intention of working with the entire family. Simultaneously, Silver Gummy is supporting PCHS's initiative to develop and host Men's wellness programming that aims to promote wellbeing, safety, supportive community for South Asian males.

Sagesse Domestic Violence Prevention Society

Main Contact: Brielle Batty Smith
Project Description: Silver Gummy has supported a collective impact initiative called IMPACT that's purpose is to eradicate domestic and sexual violence (see WE have received funding to support the development of the Alberta Primary Prevention Framework to eradicate domestic and sexual violence.


Main Contact: Lana Wells
Project Description: To provide funding that has allowed us to do innovative work to advance prevention.

Two Wheel View

Main Contact: Laura Istead
Project Description: Silver Gummy is guiding us in serving underrepresented individuals in the biking community, including women, trans, femme, and non-binary individuals. We aim to ensure inclusivity in our programs and promote bike participation for all. Our partnership is in its early stages, but together, we strive to create a welcoming environment for everyone in the biking community.

University of Toronto - Safe Sport Lab

Main Contact: Erin Wilson
Project Description: Silver Gummy has helped support our research initiatives on Gender-Based Violence in Canadian Youth sport. This includes an assessment of the prevalence of GBV among youth athletes, exploring the experiences of violence in equity-deserving populations and perspectives of disclosing and reporting negative sport experiences.

Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth (USAY)

Main Contact: LeeAnne Ireland
Project Description: USAY has received generous funding from Silver Gummy to support our IndigiTRAILS project. Our primary objective is to provide Indigenous Two-Spirit youth with a unique opportunity to share valuable learnings and insights about themselves with the community. Through this initiative, we aim to create an engaging and educational trail that combines elements of fun and upliftment. The project will offer a platform for Indigenous Two-Spirit youth to contribute their perspectives, fostering a deeper understanding of their experiences. Our intention is to ensure that this trail becomes an empowering and enlightening experience for all involved.

Victoria Women's Transition House

Main Contact: Karlee Grant
Project Description: Silver Gummy's funding supports our Violence is Preventable program (VIP). VIP is a public education initiative by the PEACE/Children Who Witness Abuse team, offering interactive workshops for students in elementary, middle, and secondary schools. The program breaks the cycle of violence against women and children, collaborating with local schools to educate youth and educators on dating violence, healthy relationships, and boundaries. The community response has been positive, enabling us to reach more schools and children each year. To meet the increasing demand, we have added a part-time position.

Werklund School of Education

Main Contact: Michael Kehler
Phone Number: (226)448-9002
Project Description: Researchers at Werklund are exploring the way education intersects with the broader society, and how it necessarily informs and influences political, economic and social systems. Silver Gummy's support has allowed our team to elevate gender research, engage with a broader public audience, and continue to promote dialogue.

WITS and Pink Shirt Day

Main Contact: Andy Telfer
Phone Number: (250)386-7625
Project Description: The WITS Programs Foundation (WPF) works Canada-wide to empower and protect children and youth by reducing discrimination and bullying and by promoting kindness, via the evidence-based social-emotional learning WITS Program, Canadian Kindness Leaders, and the Pink Shirt Project and the Pink Shirt Day Canada show. Silver Gummy is supporting WPF’s Inclusion Strategies project: an effort to end discrimination by developing and implementing programming that will teach children to automatically accept, strive to understand and to include others different from themselves.


Chanel Avarello

Chris Avarello

Rob Ohlson

Peyasu Wuttunee

Shirley Egbogah

Vanessa Ricciardi

Gena Rotstein
Advisor, Karma and Cents